Are you searching for reviews for the neighborhood of Pleasant Hill South in Kennewick? Are you looking to buy or sell a home here? We can tell you all about this place! Just let us know how we can help.
How big of a home do you need? Do you have a large family and need multiple rooms or are you needing something smaller? Here is what this neighborhood looks like from a square footage standpoint:
Count | Lowest | Average | Median | Highest |
1 | $242,261 | $242,261 | $242,261 | $242,261 |
A great way to learn about the housing market is to see how fast homes are selling. If the average and median Days on Market (DOM) are low, then you'll have to act quickly when a home pops up.
Min | Avg | Med | Max |
30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
There are almost 1000 different subdivisions or neighborhoods in the Tri-Cities. Some neighborhoods have newer homes and some have older homes. If you're looking for a particularly aged home in Pleasant Hill South, here's a snapshot of what's available:
Oldest | Average | Median | Newest |
1955 | 1955 | 1955 | 1955 |
If part of searching for your next home includes researching schools and school districts, we can help. We can point you in the best directions to do all the research you need. Just let us know where you’re looking and we’ll send it right over. Here is a shortlist of schools that are closest:
Amistad Elementary
Amon Creek Elementary
Canyon View Elementary
Cascade Elementary
Cottonwood Elementary
Eastgate Elementary
Edison Elementary
Fuerza Elementary
Hawthorne Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Ridge View Elementary
Sage Crest Elementary
Southgate Elementary
Sunset View Elementary
Vista Elementary
Washington Elementary
Westgate Elementary
If part of your home search is based on certain neighborhood based statistics or qualities, there are plenty of neighborhoods to choose from. If you cannot find a home you like in the neighborhood you want, you can search to find other homes in many other great neighborhoods of Kennewick. Here are some of the closest neighborhoods:
Olympia Gardens
Overlook Heights
Pheasant Run
Park Hill
Rolling Hills East
Shadow Run
South Ridge Heights
Sunset View
Tierra Alta
Willow Crest
Badger Mountain Plateau
Clodfelter Heights
Cottonwood Estates
Country Meadows